Getting started
First, install the django-erp-framework
package from PyPI:
$ pip install django-erp-framework
In your settings file, add the following apps to
'crequest', # Need access to the request object in places where request
'crispy_forms', # For the reports forms,
'reversion', # needed only when you use the admin app
'tabular_permissions', # better a permission widget , Optional
"erp_framework.admin.jazzmin_integration", # if you want to use jazzmin theme, otherwise remove this line
'jazzmin', # optional
'django.contrib.admin', # comes at the end because the theme is replaced
Add the following entries to
# ...
Django-erp-framework uses django-crispy-forms for the reporting forms. So we need to add this to our
CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK = 'bootstrap4' # or your version of bootstrap
Add the settings for the django erp framework:
"site_name": "ERP Framework System",
"site_header": "ERP Framework System",
"index_title": "ERP Framework Dashboard",
Various other settings are available to configure Django ERP framework’s behaviour - see /advanced_topics/settings.
URLS configuration
We need to hook the Django ERP admin site in
, like so:
from django.urls import path
from erp_framework.sites import erp_admin_site
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('erp-system/', erp_admin_site.urls),
# ...
With this configuration in place, you are ready to run ./ migrate
Follow to the tutorial to create sample erp system which tracks sales and expense and profitability. Sample ERP System Tutorial
Running the tests
To run the test suite, first, create and activate a virtual environment. Then clone the repo, install the test requirements and run the tests:
$ git clone
$ cd cd django-erp-framework/tests
$ python -m pip install -e ..
$ python -m pip install -r requirements/py3.txt
$ ./
# For Coverage report
$ coverage run --include=../* [-k]
$ coverage html