Sample ERP models and admin
Let’s use the project we just generated in the Quickstart section and build an app that manages a business, records and report its product sales, as well as its expenses, and finally its profitability .
First we need to create an app
$ django-admin startapp sample_erp
then add sample_erp to your INSTALLED_APPS
To manage a business we would need to track the sales , the clients and the expenses. Here is a sample implementation
from django.db import models
from erp_framework.base.models import EntityModel, TransactionModel, TransactionItemModel, QuantitativeTransactionItemModel
from erp_framework.base.registry import register_doc_type
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
class Product(EntityModel):
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Product')
verbose_name_plural = _('Products')
class Client(EntityModel):
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Client')
verbose_name_plural = _('Clients')
class Expense(EntityModel):
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Expense')
verbose_name_plural = _('Expenses')
class ExpenseTransaction(TransactionItemModel):
expense = models.ForeignKey(Expense, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Expense Transaction')
verbose_name_plural = _('Expense Transactions')
class SalesTransaction(TransactionModel):
client = models.ForeignKey(Client, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Sale')
verbose_name_plural = _('Sales')
class SalesLineTransaction(QuantitativeTransactionItemModel):
sales_transaction = models.ForeignKey(SalesTransaction, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
product = models.ForeignKey(Product, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
client = models.ForeignKey(Client, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Sale Transaction Line')
verbose_name_plural = _('Sale Transaction Lines')
The Base Classes we inherit from are fairly straight forward, basically they encapsulate some typical needed fields and offer related method that serves the system integrity.
those extra fields are slug, notes, creator user and creation date, and last modified user and last modified date.On
extra fields are value + the aboveOn
extra fields are quantity, price and discount + all the above
You can read more in Base Classes, but for now, that pretty much what we need to know.
Run python makemigrations sample_erp
, python migrate
to update the database with your models
The Admin
Django ERP framework makes use of the django admin to leverage the process of authentication, authorization and CRUD operation(s). This is done by
Using a different admin site.
Using subclasses of ModelAdmin which offer more enhancements.
With this information in mind, let’s add the below piece of code into
from .models import Client, Product, Expense, ExpenseTransaction, SalesLineTransaction, SalesTransaction
from erp_framework.admin.admin import erp_framework_site, EntityAdmin, TransactionAdmin, TransactionItemAdmin
class ExpenseAdmin(EntityAdmin):
class ProductAdmin(EntityAdmin):
class ClientAdmin(EntityAdmin):
class SalesLineAdmin(TransactionItemAdmin):
fields = ('product', 'price', 'quantity', 'value')
model = SalesLineTransaction
class SalesOrderAdmin(TransactionAdmin):
inlines = [SalesLineAdmin]
fields = ['slug', 'doc_date', 'client', ]
copy_to_formset = ['client']
erp_framework_site.register(Client, ClientAdmin)
erp_framework_site.register(Product, ProductAdmin)
erp_framework_site.register(Expense, ExpenseAdmin)
erp_framework_site.register(SalesTransaction, SalesOrderAdmin)
Like with models, here we inherit our admin models from EntityAdmin
, TransactionAdmin``and ``TransactionItemAdmin
Also we register our model with their AdminModel with erp_framework_site
which is an independent admin site than the default django one.
EntityAdmin and TransactionAdmin
are just subclasses of admin.ModelAdmin. TransactionItemAdmin is a subclass of admin.TabularInline.
You can customize it as you’d do normally with any ModelAdmin.
You can add list_filter(s), select_related, adjust fields and fieldsets on the change_form, etc..
Read more about Admin options: The Admin
Let’s run and access our Dashboard, enter your username and password created with createsuperuser. In the left hand menu you’d find a menu, which will contains links to Clients, Products & SimpleSales admin pages as you’d expect.
Go to the sales order page, add a couple of sale transaction entries. Now, we notice that
value field is editable, while it should be readonly
The Value field should automatically equals the result of price * quantity.
Front End customization
Now we need and compute the value automatically and display it to the user. To do that we need to add a little javascript to handle the client side calculation, and to do that we’ll need a create our own template.
in you In your sample_erp app directory, create a templates folder, and inside it you can create a template file admin/sales_change_form.html and in it we can write:
{% extends 'erp_framework/change_form.html' %}
{% block extrajs %}
{{ block.super }}
django.jQuery(document).ready(function () {
const allQuantity = $('[name*=quantity]');
const allPrice = $('[name*=price]');
function calculateTotal(e) {
let holder = $('.dynamic-saleslinetransaction_set');
let $quantity = holder.find('[name*=quantity]');
let $price = holder.find('[name*=price]');
let quantity = $.erp_framework.smartParseFloat($quantity.val());
let price = $.erp_framework.smartParseFloat($price.val());
holder.find('[name*=value]').val(quantity * price)
allQuantity.on('change', calculateTotal);
allPrice.on('change', calculateTotal);
// The newly created rows
// ref:
django.jQuery(document).on('formset:added', function (event, $row, formsetName) {
$row.find('[name*=quantity]').on('change', calculateTotal)
$row.find('[name*=price]').on('change', calculateTotal)
{% endblock %}
Notice here:
we extends from erp_framework/change_form.html’ This enables us to change themes of your Django ERP framework dashboard rather easily. You can read more about theming
we use
in the javascript. This is a custom convenience function to handle strings or empty value when numbers are expected (in which case value result would be NaN. If you want to try just replace smartParseFloat with normal parseFloat and enter a string or make empty the quantity and/or price field.For list of javascript tools available Javascript
Now runserver, go to Sales Order and check the outcome, experiment around.
Next Section we will create interesting reports about product sales, which product being bought by which clients and client total sales.